So much Time …..So many Choices…..What to do

Hey All,

Today more than ever we are in a society that is constantly going and communicating. Our cellular devices are always on text, email, social media, constantly keep us in contact with “what’s going on” or so we think. How many of us have activities more than 3 nights a week?  (Sports, Choir, Band, Dance, Gymnastics, Community Group, Hunting, volunteer work) Let me say that I am not implying that any of this is bad or that I don’t struggle with the same issues, but I have to constantly remind myself:

Where is my time with God?

We know God wants to have a relationship with us but are we dedicating a time of the day to renewing that relationship with Him? Joshua said that we should meditate on it (the bible) day and night (Joshua 1:8-9). David echos the same message in Psalm 1:2 that his “delight” is the law of the Lord and meditating on it day and night. Both of these men meditated on the Word day and night to strengthen their relationship with God. For me I try to carve out a time every evening to read the word, pray and listen to God. Does this happen every day? Honestly, I have to answer that question NO but what I have found is that the only way to be consistent is to consistently try to devote time to my relationship with God at the same time every day.

When we meditate and pray do we Listen to what God is saying?

As important as it is to devote time to the Lord, it is equally as important to be attentive to the prompting of the the Holy Spirit in what God is saying to each of us. Jeremiah 33: 3 says that we are to call upon God and he will tell you great and mighty things which we don’t know. Now I certainly don’t feel my gifting from God is to be a prophet but over the years I have seen God speak to me in the following ways:

Peace…..I was praying once for a Christian family that the husband had made a severe mistake. After months of counseling this couple could still not reconcile their differences. He called to tell me that he was going to talk with his wife after work about calling it quit. I asked him to pray and be open to God’s will in the conversation. I also prayed for God not to split that family up. Its all I could think of for the 3 kids, the husband and the wife. After an hour of praying the same prayer Father don’t split that family up, I got an incredible feeling of peace that it was going to be Okay. They reconciled that night and are still married today 10 years later.

Unbelievable Circumstances…..How many of us have had an experience in our life that is 100% completely unexplainable? It’s not unexplainable that was God at work in your life. I have been fortunate enough to have seen this many times in my life

Godly Counsel……God places people in our lives to support us and challenge us when needed. When seeking advice I always pray first and seek Godly men and women.

Static…Unrest……Without question every time that Brenda and I have been uneasy about a decision or could not find agreement or peace it has been God telling us ……don’t do that. In the times I did not listen to the unrestful promptings I can definitively say things did not go well.

Conviction of Sin…..If something is heavy on your heart God will frequently convict you and me to repent, repair or correct what is causing the distress.

So to Wrap it up

Do we look forward to and even “delight” in the time we spend with the Father?

Do we have a time dedicated to meditate, pray and listen to God everyday?

Do we truly listen to God awaiting his answer and when we hear it do we accept it and act?

Father I pray this week that you will touch each of us to “want” to be in your Word and listen to your prompting.

image sourced from google images

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Cristalynn

    I have found that God’s voice is most prevalent after consistency in my quiet time with Him. He usually responds in the form of his word, a verse of the day or a bible study, a song, or a friend with a wise word.

  2. Cristalynn

    I find that God’s voice is more prevalent after I spend consistant time with Him. Defining what quiet time for you looks like is very important!

  3. Chris Branscome

    I love the reminder to meditate and listen! It’s easy to spend time talking TO God through prayer or to read His word and then check it off of our spiritual to-do list without pausing to listen for what God might be wanting to say to us. I need to shut out the noise, whether the noise is coming from my phone or from my own thoughts and make room for God to speak to me.

  4. PJ

    Karl, I loved this one. Very simple. Very practical. Very relevant! Thanks for sharing from your heart, and from your experience.
    Have a set time.
    Have a set place.
    Meditate and Listen!! Thanks!

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