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Psalm 24 Worship!

Hey All,

How often do we just worship our Lord? Sure on Sunday’s but when you think about it God provides us with everything we have and need. We should be in a great mood everyday! Praising the Lord! Thanking him for his greatness and provision in our lives. This should be outward in how we deal with others and inward in our thoughts and prayers. When I read Psalm 24 I think of Worship, so lets dig into this Psalm and worship a little more!

Psalm 24:1-2 The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, The world and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas And established it upon the rivers. God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing. We would have nothing or be nothing without God’s marvelous creation in Genesis 1:1 and even after the fall he loved us enough to give us a way to redemption.

Psalm 24:3-6 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His Holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted his soul up to falsehood. And has not sworn deceitfully, He shall receive a blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face–even Jacob. We know that after the fall we were separated from God. Only the priests, Levite’s and prophets could speak to God or enter his presence. Jesus restored that relationship with His death on the cross and the curtain in the temple was torn from floor to ceiling signifying restoration of God and his people. Mark 15:38 Thank you Lord for this gift that we may approach you with praise and thanksgiving for the gift we have received.

Psalm 24:7-10 Lift up your heads, O gates, And be lifted up, O ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates, And lift them up, O ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Praise God let’s invite the Holy Spirit to dwell in us , because if we do I know we will find joy! Let’s seek the Lord with all our hearts and trust in His provision. Let’s commit ALL of our life to Him not just the portion we want to give up when it’s convenient.

So to wrap up

Father God, You made the heavens and the earth and all of us who inhabit the earth.  Yet even after we rebelled against You, You loved us enough to send your son as a payment for sins. Lord without You we are nothing. I ask that you forgive me of all my sins. and thank you who for preparing a place for us in heaven, Amen? AMEN!

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