Worship Matters

February 16, 2020
Real worship is something that goes beyond singing songs at a "worship gathering." Worship is a response to something that we believe to be great. Everyone worships something, and what…

Love Matters

January 26, 2020
Love is the first and greatest commandment. Without love, God's Word says we're just annoying everyone, no matter how "religious" we might be. In this message, we take an in-depth…

Hope Matters

January 19, 2020
It's in our name because it matters to us. Hope isn't merely a feeling or wishful thinking. Whatever happens, we know how the story ends, and when we take action…

Jesus Matters

January 12, 2020
As we begin our Time Out series, revisiting the things that matter most, it all starts with Jesus. Without Jesus, we have nothing - no hope, no purpose, nothing whatsoever.…
At the beginning of the year, when many people are thinking about how they want the year ahead to be different, it's good to think about it from two angles:…