Can we truly forgive??????

Hey All,

First I want to thank my contributing editor this week PJ for imparting his wisdom in several parts of this study to keep me grounded and on track.This week we continue on the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray in verse 12. (Mat 6:12) where we look at forgiveness. Jesus says “forgive us our debts” (trespasses or sins) asking God or others to forgive us of our wrong doing as well as we also “forgive our debtors” or those you have sinned against us. Pretty simple? Well let’s dig a little deeper.

So how are we forgiven?

Paul reminds us in Romans 5:8 that “God demonstrated love to us that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Even more sobering he tells us the in Romans 6:23 that “the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.”  Christ secured our forgiveness though his death and resurrection on the cross. Through His righteousness we can now approach a Holy God confident that our sins are forgiven. If that doesn’t get a big AMEN then nothing will! but we live in a broken, fallen and sinful world. As we have discussed God wants to have a relationship with us. When we are in this relationship it is as if we are walking hand in hand with God while having a conversation. When sin enters our life it’s as if we are taking a step away from God. Our our hands still clasped? Yes but they are now outstretched but with every sin we drift a little further away. We find reassurance in John 10:27-29 knowing that God knows us and we can never be snatched out of His hand. We must remain focused not to drift to far away before we turn back. This act of “turning back” to God is repentance where we asked God to forgive us of our sins and make us new again. Now I was feeling pretty good about this when I read Psalm 32: 1-2 where it says “blessed is the man whose transgressions are for given” but PJ reminded me let’s not stop there……let’s read verses 3-5 as well.

Can we truly forgive others?

Several weeks ago PJ as a part of his sermon series on 1 John reminded us that we are to love everyone. Brothers, sisters, coworkers, classmates or anyone we came in contact. Unresolved conflicts with anyone is a sin and in 1 John 1:8-9 it says if we say we have no sin then then the truth is not in us. When we carry this conflict on our heart in an unresolved manner is where we see the second half of Psalm 32:3-5. That guilt, bitterness, resentment, anger, and hostility drains our strength as the load is heavy upon our heart but God calls upon us to let him deal with it. In Romans 12:9-10, 19 Paul again says to let Love be without hypocrisy (i.e. let it not be fake), Abhor (or hate) what is evil and cling to what is good and be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Finally in verse 19 he says that vengeance is the Lord’s.  So once again we are commanded to turn things over to God. I don’t know about y’all but that is hard for me in conflict. All to often the fruit of the Spirit is not exemplified in me when in the middle of a problem and I end up not only dealing with the resolving the conflict but the wake of destruction caused in the heat of the battle. Thankfully we have a gracious God Ephesians 2: 8-9. I use this not as a crutch because as I grow in my relationship with God I find that it is easier to be aware of and deal with my faults. So back to the original question: Can we truly forgive? I certainly hope we all can as Jesus tells us in Luke 6:37 that if we cannot forgive then we will not be forgiven. In the end no one can judge your heart accept for God as to whether you have freely forgiven another person.

So to Wrap it up

  1. Is there unresolved conflict in your life that needs to be dealt with? If yes start by giving it up to God in prayer and asking Him to show you a path for resolution?
  2. Remember that when looking at a conflict you can only be responsible and take responsibility for your actions.
  3. Ask a Godly friend for advice to help you deal with the issue.
  4. God does not expect us to get hurt repeatedly but he does require us to forgive others as he forgave us.

I thank God this week for the grace and forgiveness we receive through His son Jesus. I pray this week that this study will touch hearts and help resolve conflicts. I say this as a fellow sinner that has many areas of improvement but I know that as we approach God he will always sustain and see us through His plan if we are open to do our part. As I pray for each of you, I ask the same for me.

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