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Attribute to the Lord the Greatness he is due…..Psalm 29

Hey All,

This week we look at Psalm 29. The Psalms are good to read and meditate. We will probably look at several over the next few weeks before engaging into a longer topic. I randomly chose Psalm 29 because I had a book mark a friend gave me in my bible and it is not one we have reviewed in the Blog before. So let’s dig into this a little deeper.

Psalm 29 

Psalm 29:1-2 Ascribe to the Lord, O Sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength, Ascribe to the Lord the Glory Due His name; Worship the Lord in Holy array.

I have to admit, I had to look up the word “ascribe” which I found meant to “attribute something too”. So when we read Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength, David is saying Attribute to the Lord glory and strength. So in verses 1&2 we are praising God and giving adoration to the awesome power and respect our Lord should have. We saw this similarly in the beginning of the Lords prayer. “Our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name.” Praising God and giving thanks for His goodness and greatness is something we should continue to do.

Psalm 29: 3-5 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; The God of Glory thunders, The Lord is over many waters, The voice of the Lord is powerful, The voice of the Lord is majestic, The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; Yes the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. 

As I read verses 3-5, I thought about the power that God has through just using weather patterns around the world. Especially this evening as the thunder and lighting prevailed in the evening sky. Living on the Gulf Coast how many hurricanes and tropical storms have we seen create devastation in the community or a few years back the drought that caused so many farms to dry up coupled with the fires that raged through Bastrop to Huntsville that year. Yes with the Lord’s voice he controls all of our seasons and what a powerful thing that alone can be. I thank God that he always restores us through those times and as we have seen often times brings us closer as a community and to Him.

Psalm 29:6-9 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, And Sirion like a young wild ox. The voice of the Lord hews out flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord makes the deer to calve.and strips the forests bare; and in His temple everyone says “Glory!”

Sirion on verse 6 is a mountain! Just as Jesus said in Matthew 17:20…if you had faith of a mustard seed you will say to this mountain ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move… Yet David says God moves the mountain like a young wild ox and “hews” or “shapes” the wilderness with fire and causes the deer to “calve” or “give birth”. Yes God has the power to reshape the the wilderness but even after a forest fire the forest is renewed because the underbrush is gone and “new life” is brought forth in the plants that come back. Just as the deer give birth to new fawns. God is good to protect us and help us through those bad times. We just need to find the good in the middle of the storm and praise Him for his many blessings. Oops I may have jumped ahead …let’s continue reading…

Psalm 29:10-11 The Lord sat as King at the flood; Yes the Lord sits as king forever. the Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.

Yes the Lord is King over the floods, forest fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes and the list goes on but He gives us strength to handle every situation. Every personal situation, every work situation, every school situation it does not matter what the situation. Not only does he give us strength but He blesses us and brings us peace. Peace where you can sit in quite mediation and prayer without worry or fear because you know your God who is all powerful has got whatever is bothering you taken care of with His plan. All we have to do is lay it all upon His feet and trust in Him.

So to wrap up

Father God it is so easy to forget that you have power and dominion over everything! Your Son conquered everything through His death and resurrection on the 3rd day. All we have to do is believe in you and be obedient to your will and you will take care of all our needs. Help us this week to turn everything over to you and listen to your prompting. In Jesus name,  Amen? AMEN!

image sourced from google images