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The Hidden Treasure in Your House

When my brother was in seventh grade, he and a friend found a hidden treasure.  They were playing in a field behind his friend’s house when they stumbled across a cloth bag.  They opened it and discovered four thousand dollars in cold hard cash in it.  All of our parents felt that the honest thing to do was to turn it in to the police, which they did.  After a while, no one had claimed the lost cash, and so my brother and his friend were allowed to keep it. 

(My brother bought a four-wheeler with his share, and rode it as I watched on with great jealousy.  And then one day I totaled it by crashing it into a tree – not, at least consciously, on purpose.)

It’s not uncommon to hear stories of people finding things in their homes or other unexpected places that are worth millions of dollars.  It’s incredible to think that those treasures had been there for years, lying quietly undiscovered.

It’s highly likely that you have something in your home that is of incredible worth and value, and you may not even realize it.  You probably even know that it’s there, and may be unaware of just how valuable it is, and so it remains a hidden treasure.  Money itself isn’t of value all by itself, but is valuable because of what it can give us.  Likewise, this particular treasure’s value is found in what it can provide for you, and it can offer blessings that are far greater than what money provides.

The jewel I’m speaking of is God’s word.  Most of us have at least one copy of it in our house, and through the internet, we all have free access to it.  However, so few people really understand, or grasp, or believe in its value.  Those people will never discover its worth. Those who have sought the abundance the Bible offers have discovered the truth of James 1:25:

Whoever looks intently into the perfect law that brings freedom and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

Here are just a few of the blessings that people who uncover this treasure will receive:

  • Guidance – Psalm 119:105, 2 Timothy 3:16
  • Ability to resist the wrong things we find ourselves wanting to do – Psalm 119:11
  • Joy – Jeremiah 15:16
  • Power to do God’s work – 2 Timothy 3:17, Ephesians 6:17
  • Hope – Romans 15:4
  • Knowledge of how to be saved – 2 Timothy 3:15
  • Prosperity and success (greater than what we usually think of as prosperity) – Joshua 1:8
  • Wisdom – Psalm 119:99
  • Stability – Matthew 7:24-27

Questions to ask yourself:

What do you truly value?
Do you actually want what God offers you through His word?
What steps can you take right now to dig into the Bible more?